A well-executed social media program integrates all aspects of an organization’s outreach, and PR is no exception. By expanding your PR campaign’s visibility beyond the press conference, press release and media coverage, you increase your audience reach while cementing ROI on earned media. This ensures that your brand voice is strong across print, digital, and social media platforms.
Here’s our Troupe’s Tried and True 9 Steps to Leverage Public Relations Campaigns on Social Media:
Step One
For a seamless social media integration, prior to the press release or event, confirm the release timing with the publication or media outlet and request social media handles for the outlet and the editor/author.
Step Two
Next, run a hashtag analysis on the topic and select the top three to be used along with any tracking hashtags for posts related to this coverage. One of our team’s favorite scheduling tools, Buffer, allows you to track engagement with campaign tags.
Step Three
Once you have confirmed the primary platform audience for the topic, schedule teaser and behind-the-scenes posts if appropriate. Initial re-post of content on the media outlet’s website should be scheduled exclusively on your primary platform. Double-down with “We have news” posts on secondary social media platforms and direct user traffic to the primary platform. Be sure key leadership individuals like the CEO post on LinkedIn and point traffic to the brand post on the primary social media platform on day one.

Step Four
On day 2, write “thanks for coverage” posts on all platforms being careful that the wording reflects each social media platform’s unique primary audiences. Don’t forget to tag the author and outlets where applicable!
Step Five
Step Six
On days 2-7, request that “brand champions” such as business partners, industry membership groups or key opinion industry leaders share your brand’s posts. The brand should continue to like, comment and tag relevant individuals to encourage ongoing engagement and conversations.
Step Seven
For weeks 2 and 3, post event or media placement, use statistics or short video from coverage pointing to the coverage now hosted on your company’s website. Be sure to include critical SEO keywords in hashtag strategies to help create targeted traffic to your website. Stop using this tactic when engagement drops below your brand’s platform averages.
Step Eight
One month after the initial coverage, revisit the content for a second time with: ICYMI posts, video recap, media coverage recaps, or provide an update on the topic, etc.
Step Nine
Finally, evaluate the data and save key takeaways to be applied to future campaigns.

If you would like to discuss your brand’s social media outreach and how our team can help you leverage public relations exposure within your target audience, complete the form below and we’ll reach out to you directly!