Shakespeare once said,
To thine own brand be true. Share on X
Or at least that’s what Shakespeare would have said if he was a brand manager. Either way, it’s solid advice, especially for social media marketing. As social media platforms multiply constantly, brand managers are now responsible for keeping a consistent brand voice across the board, no matter what the platform. How do they do it? We’re glad you asked.
First, refine your voice before you post your first update or send out a tweet. Make sure all the decision makers are on the same page when it comes to your target audience and the tone you want to use to convey your message. Why do your clients interact with your brand — are they seeking advice, enjoying a hobby or making a personal fashion statement? Decide who you’re trying to reach. Craft your ideal customer as a team so everyone knows who they’re talking to. Is your brand cutting-edge and modern or traditional and classic? How do you use humor, if at all?
Next it’s time to examine how you describe your brand services and products. Is that description written to get the response you want from your customers? Then, for social media management, it may help to turn your brand into a person with likes and dislikes — this may help give your social media postings a believable voice.
Giving a fictional character’s voice to a brand helps your social media curators visualize how your brand would interact in various social media situations. Anyone and everyone who writes a company post should be writing as this person, not as themselves. Your goal is to be the brand persona with every post. Your audience shouldn’t be able to pick out the voice of individual troupe members posting.
With these simple tips, you should be able to keep your brand voice consistent across multiple platforms. Or, check out how we talk about great news at aJuxt across our social media platforms:
Facebook: We’re excited to announce that aJuxt won an award, thanks to all the hard work and dedication from the troupe members!
Twitter: @aJuxtMedia keeps on winning #awards.
Instagram: @aJuxtMedia #success #didit
LinkedIn: We’re proud to announce that we earned an award for our uniquely juxtaposed marketing efforts.
Staying true to your brand’s voice across social media platforms will help you start influential conversations with your clients and ensure that your message is organized, consistent and clear.
Written by Lynsie Slachetka || Chief Executive Juxtaposition Officer